The Dangers of 18-Wheeler Crashes

Most people have heard about the dangers of car accidents. But what about 18-wheeler crashes? 18-wheeler crashes are some of the most dangerous accidents on the road. Though these large trucks only make up a small percentage of vehicles on the road, they cause a disproportionately high number of accidents. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 500,000 18-wheeler crashes occur each year. Of those 500,000 annual crashes, almost 5,500 results in fatalities, and another 114,000 results in injuries. Because of their size and weight, 18-wheelers often cause catastrophic damage when they crash. If you or a loved one has been involved in an 18-wheeler crash, it's important to understand the dangers involved and know your legal rights.  

Why Are 18-Wheeler Crashes So Dangerous?  

There are a few reasons why 18-wheeler crashes are so dangerous. First of all, these trucks weigh 20-30 times more than a passenger vehicle. This means that they have a lot more kinetic energy, which can lead to devastating results.  

In addition, 18-wheelers have large blind spots, which means that the driver may not be able to see other vehicles, which can lead to accidents. These trucks also take longer to stop than a passenger vehicle. This is due to both their weight and the fact that they often carry heavy loads.  

18 Wheelers Are More Likely to Crash Than Other Vehicles

One of the biggest dangers of 18-wheelers is that they're much more likely to crash than other types of vehicles. In fact, large trucks are involved in fatal crashes at nearly four times the rate of passenger cars. There are several reasons for this increased risk.  

First, 18-wheelers spend more time on the road than other vehicles. They log far more miles than the average car and are often driven for long periods of time without a break. This can lead to fatigued driving, which increases the risk of an accident.  

In addition, 18-wheelers often carry heavy loads. This makes it difficult to stop quickly or avoid obstacles on the road. If something goes wrong, it takes much longer for an 18-wheeler to stop than it would for a smaller vehicle.  

Lastly, many 18-wheeler drivers are paid by the mile rather than by the hour. This incentive can lead them to take risks on the road to make more money. For example, they may drive for more extended periods without taking a break or exceeding the speed limit to reach their destination more quickly. All of these factors contribute to the increased risk of an 18-wheeler crash.

How Can You Stay Safe?

If you share the road with 18-wheelers, you can do a few things to stay safe. First of all, make sure to keep out of their blind spots. It would be best if you also avoided tailgating and passing these trucks on the shoulder of the road. And finally, give them plenty of space when they're stopping or turning.


If you've been involved in an 18-wheeler truck accident, it is important to seek legal help as soon as possible. Sanchez Medina team of experienced lawyers can help you get justice for what happened to you.

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