Social And Economic Factors That Can Contribute to Divorce
Divorce is an unfortunate and draining experience for almost everyone involved. It can cause guilt, shame, and regret for those moving on from their marital relationships. It can be one of the most difficult life changes to deal with, but many people still go through it. Those considering a divorce may be wondering what factors contribute to divorce.
There is no secret recipe for a happy marriage, but there are patterns that tend to be seen in marriages that end in divorce. By identifying these common traits, people can know what they might be up against and learn how to act accordingly.
Social Factors
Communication problems between partners
Communication is a huge part of a healthy marriage; it is the way to express and clarify feelings, desires, and needs. When that communication falters, couples often find themselves struggling with their relationship. If they cannot communicate effectively and make it a point to avoid uncomfortable topics, they may be headed toward a divorce. It is important that couples talk about their feelings and desires and be honest with each other when they do not feel satisfied in the relationship. For example, if one person feels like their needs are not being met in the marriage, they should be able to express that, rather than keeping it inside until they explode or feel so backed in a corner that they no longer feel any love for their partner.
Infidelity / extramarital affairs
Many people who are considering a divorce will cite infidelity as the primary reason. This can happen when one person begins to feel unfulfilled in the relationship and has an affair, which seems like an easy solution. The problem with this is that it throws off the balance of the relationship, and if the other partner finds out, they may feel completely betrayed by their spouse and no longer feel any love for them.
Abuse in any form
When a person feels their spouse is abusing them, they may feel like they have no other option than to leave the relationship. This can be emotional, physical, or sexual and is never acceptable. In most cases, some of the abuse victims tend to stay with their partners because they love them and want to work things out. However, when the abuse is too much to handle and takes a toll on the victim's life, the only choice is to file a divorce.
Lack of support from partner
The emotional support that partners share with each other is extremely important. If one person feels like they are getting nothing but negativity or lack of support from their partner, it may be easy to feel like the entire marriage is a negative experience. It can be hard for someone to stay in a relationship that does not make them feel good about themselves, and they may begin to question their feelings and what they really want in life. It can be easier to walk away from a relationship that is not making you happy rather than try to deal with a partner who is not reciprocating your feelings and trying to fill that void of support.
Conflict of interest
Couples with similar goals and desires tend to make it easier for the marriage to continue. When those goals or desires are at odds with each other, they may struggle with communicating effectively or feeling fulfilled in the relationship. This can lead to arguments and emotions that bleed into other facets of the relationship, including sex, money issues, and time together. If one person feels that their desires are being compromised or ignored, they may feel the need to leave the relationship.
Absence of romantic intimacy/love
It is not uncommon for couples to experience periods of lack of romantic intimacy. If this pattern continues for an extended period of time, it can be a sign that the relationship is not working, and it often leads to the end of the marriage. Romantic intimacy can include physical closeness, affectionate gestures, and expressing feelings of love. A marriage that is based on nothing more than living together or raising kids together might not be enough to sustain it. Married couples should have a level of physical intimacy and romance that is healthy and helps them to feel loved and wanted.
Economic Factors
Incompatibility in financial situations
Financial stress can be one of the biggest reasons for divorce, especially when a couple is starting out and they are learning how to manage their money and debts. If they do not have a solid financial plan, they may find themselves fighting over money issues and growing apart because of it. At first, having two incomes may seem like a good thing as it will allow them to save more than others and pay off debts faster. However, if that money is not managed well, it can lead to financial problems. Couples with different levels of debt or savings may find themselves at odds with each other and frustrated that they cannot solve the issue.
Work-related stress
The stress that comes from work may make it difficult for couples to communicate effectively and maintain their relationship. For example, if one person is putting in long hours at a job they hate, they may be feeling resentful towards their partner for not helping them feel better about their life. Sometimes, people may be so focused on their work that they attribute the lack of attention and love towards their partner to their inability to balance everything in their life. This can make it easy for people to drift apart and not be as connected as they once were; as a result, a divorce can seem like the best option.
Marriage ends for many different reasons, and there is no one universal reason that a marriage fails. The reasons for getting a divorce will vary from person to person, and it is not necessarily a bad thing if the relationship is not working. Hiring a family or divorce lawyer who can help you navigate the divorce process is recommended. Being able to work through the challenging emotions involved in a divorce, along with the legal process, can be difficult, and it is recommended that people find a lawyer that makes them feel comfortable and confident in their decision.
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The information contained in this blog may or may not reflect the most current legal developments. Accordingly, information in this blog is not promised or guaranteed to be correct or complete, and should not be relied upon as such. Readers should conduct their own appropriate legal research.
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